
Our company

At Boyquel we have been applying new solutions for many years both for our farms in the melon and watermelon farms and in the orange groves. We implement the latest technological treatments in the cultivation work and also in the handling and packaging of the harvest in the warehouse.

Vicente Mechó

Our recent history dates back to the 1990s when the dream of a young man who, as a child, playing in his father’s company, said that when he grew up he wanted to be a merchant.


Driven by his great enthusiasm, Vicente Mechó continues to open frontiers in this wonderful world of agri-food that directly and indirectly employs so many people.


Under the direction of Vicente, the tasks and care that the field needs throughout the year are decided, with special attention from the month of February because that is when the cultivation tasks begin in Boyquel.


The GRASP certification helps us guarantee social well-being by protecting one of the most important resources of the farms: our team.


Each of the farms is analyzed, carrying out the work and care they need at all times, so that the trees remain healthy, controlling the use of phytosanitary products to minimize the impact of residues on food and protect the environment under GLOBAL G.A.P. certification. thus obtaining the perfect flowering that will give way to the juicy fruit that when the time comes you will be able to savor it.

Citrus harvesting

Every day at dawn the seasonal crews go out to collect the clementines, tangerines and oranges. They are expert workers who have been picking fruit on our land for many seasons.


The experience and skill in this task allows us to satisfy all the needs of the market on a daily basis.


At the beginning of the harvest period, at Boyquel we strictly review the ripening reports of each of the farms on a daily basis, thus ensuring that the harvested fruit meets the best organoleptic conditions.


The harvest of the fruit extends between the months of autumn until spring.


The short melon and watermelon

Harvesting melons and watermelons is a task that requires the knowledge of specialized people who guarantee the optimum time to be harvested.



At Boyquel we maintain this standard because the quality of the fruit depends, among other things, on the exact point of maturity at harvest.


The store

Boyquel’s team is made up of men and women prepared for years, they contribute their experience and effort when it comes to rigorously selecting the fruit, thus guaranteeing the flavor that identifies us.



In our Boyquel factory located in Chilches, a quiet town on the Valencian coast, we prepare and pack all the fruit from our own crops and from professional farmers, who know in detail the level of demand that our factory requires for the products we sell.


One of the fundamental pieces is our control laboratory where we classify and release the items that pass through our sanitary food safety systems.


Our technicians periodically control the levels of juice, sugar and acidity of the fruit that is marketed.


All batches of finished product are subjected to rigorous controls, both in terms of quality and presentation, which allows Boyquel to achieve its mission: to provide the best flavor.

We are preparing the future

The six fundamental pillars that define us. Rules that show us the path to follow to take our company to a higher point. This is our goal.


We are incorporating recyclable materials into our production process


We work to keep our sources clean and optimize consumption


We study the biological traits of each plot to achieve a sustainable soil


We adjust the irrigation of farms with new technologies according to water demand


We seek the balance between agricultural practices and the quality of our products


We maintain a rigorous control both in the field and in the packaged fruit